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Josh Lewis

Episode 25 - Developing Your Worldview with Bryan Baise

Updated: May 30, 2020

How developed is your worldview? How deep does it go? Have you taken the time to rigorously study and challenge your belief system or have you—like most of us—struggled to find the time as so many other important things in life have kept you busy?

The pathway most of us take as we develop and mature is to adopt the belief system of our upbringing—typically whatever our parents believe. Then, sometime around high school and on into college, in an effort to “find ourselves” we begin to question whether what we’ve always believed is actually so. For some of us that might look like a smooth transition that lands us fairly close to where we started while, for others, we bounce from one “crisis of faith” moment to the next until we end up at a place that’s barely recognizable from where we began.

Either way, the entire process can be draining, time consuming, and fruitless. Understandably, many of us lose interest at some point and happily settle into a worldview cobbled together from our past and present circumstances. But an underdeveloped worldview leaves us susceptible to a host of dangerous ideologies and faiths, not to mention it makes it all the more likely we’d experience another “crisis of faith” sometime down the road when we have even less energy or inclination to navigate it. And far too many have reached the point of not allowing anything they believe to be challenged.

About Bryan Baise

Joining Josh in this episode is Bryan Baise, professor of philosophy and apologetics at Boyce College. Bryan is the program director of philosophy, politics, and economics and the program director of the Christian worldview and apologetics. As will become evident from the conversation—Bryan is someone who took the development of his worldview very seriously and made gargantuan efforts to do so. Bryan walks us through the process of what his own journey looked like and shares the beauty and depth of the conservative worldview he’s developed. He offers encouragement to seek out the things that matter for us all and provides a list of resources to help us get there.

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